You Can't Get There from Here
There's going to be a lot of construction going on this summer in Ada County including roadway overlays, a few road and intersection widenings, pedestrian accesses, and chip sealing of roads that were overlaid in the last 1-2 years. It's going to make for some frustrating travel. However, ACHD is committed to providing information on what the scheduling will be. The best information will be on the website since you really can't count on getting detailed information into the Idaho Statesman anymore (well, actually not for a long while now).
However, what we hope to have on the website are the time frames which the projects will encompass. Last year I suggested that we upgrade the chipsealing page to include not only what areas will be done during the season but more of an idea of what time smaller areas within the larger area would be done. So instead of seeing chipsealing parts of Eagle from June - August, you would have seen a finer delineation of what was happening.
For example, this year, if all goes well, you might see that Cole Rd from Fairview to Franklin will be overlayed during the weeks of June 21-July 2. We are also going to insist that contractors start and finish a segment rather than tear off the top of the road, go work somewhere else and then weeks later finally finish. Since there will be so many projects happening this summer, there might be a few glitches in the delivery or posting of the information. Apologies in advance.
Roads that were resurfaced a year or two ago will be chipsealed. This is not done to irritate the heck out of people, but actually because it adds many years of life to a road and is a cost effective use of your dollars. As as we all know, or all should know if they still taught civics/government in schools, that tax dollars don't come from Obama or ACHD or the money fairy, but they instead come from all of us individuals.
If there's something you think is missing on the website, contact us with your suggestions. It's there for you.
I am curious what the plans are for the money saved this winter on sanding and deicer and overtime. I assume ACHD came in far below budget.. unlike the last few years.
We did save about $340,000 this year on winter activities or not on them. This money will be used for the chipsealing, ped ramps, etc. and will stretch the dollars already allocated.
As you might remember, I wanted to take the money out of this year's budget along with cutting pr and legal expenses to reduce the take from the property tax. It didn't work but I'm going to try again this year. Minds might change since it's an election year. However, don't hold your breath.
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